Rhythm Tap Tales

Rhythm Tap Tales brings together storytelling and tap dancing with live accompaniment to take you on a unique rhythmical journey

Launching on Thursday 6 July 2023 at The Albany in Deptford (London England) with:

Chapter 1 – Remembering Bebop Jazz Hoofer Will Gaines

Tickets: Coming soon

A story focusing on the career of Will Gaines who was an African-American “jazz hoofer” who settled in the UK from the 1960s and worked in nightclubs, jazz concerts, festivals and on television. An improvising dancer of the bebop era, Will influenced many UK jazz musicians and tap dancers. The performance will be followed by a tap jam with invited guests.

This project is supported by The Albany’s Pizza and Pitches (2022) and the Changing Times Tap Initiative, a division of Changing Times Tap Dance Company, Inc. New York, NY, USA